Book your individual holistic consultation online and set up an appointment via:
WhatsApp: +316 25441185
Viber: available
Skype: Yanita Milanova
Linkedin: Instagram:
Homeopathy consultation- very first visit and case taking: 90 Euro (up to 2 hours, depends by the case)
Homeopathy consultation- FU: 45 Euro (up to 1 hour, depends by the case)
Home homeopathy consultation, requested by the client (for Amsterdam only): 130 Euro (up to 2 hours)
Acute consultation (every day) via mobile telephone after 21 h will be included in your next invoice (15-50 Euro, depends by the duration and case)
Prescribed indicated homeopathy remedy: 15 Euro
Individual Bach Flower combination in an amber glass bottle 30 ml: 15 Euro
Български пациенти: 65 Евро първоначално интервю (снемане на случай)
Последващо проследяване- 35 Евро.
Спешна телефонна консултация след 21 ч. (всеки ден) ще бъде фактурирана при следващото Ви посещение (15-50 Евро, в зависимост от продължителността и спецификата на случая).
Индикирано хомеопатично лекарство или индивидуално приготвена Бахова комбинация- 15 Евро.
VAT is excluded in the prices.
You will receive an invoice in the end of the consultation/ or via e-mail.
About Doula (prenatal and/ or postpartum services) birth support and/ or Prenatal/ Postnatal Recovery Yoga classes, please contact me for quote, based upon your personal plan, vision, requirements and specifique needs.
Yanita NL is a registered holistic practice.
Dipl. IACH Classical Homeopath Сert. Bach Flower Therapy Practitioner Cert. Usui / Karuna Reiki Master Cert. CBD Birth / Postpartum Doula / Birth Educator Cert. Prenatal / Postnatal Recovery Yoga Teacher
KVK: 76140253
BTW: NL 003049381B48
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
* Keep in mind, that prices can be subjectively reduced, depends by the client's life situation.
* My practice is open up to a clients with temporary finansial incapacity and I can help voluntarily, wherever I feel I can be useful, depending of the individual situation.
* If there is a need to cancel your appointment- please, do it 24 hours before the aranged visit. After that time, you will be invoiced for the full consultation amount. Please, respect my time and schedule policy! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
If you have any further questions or would like to arrange an appointment, please feel free to contact me.
I’m looking forward to meeting you.
Consultation location:
TACA Amsterdam, Borgerstraat 102
Thank you!
Book your individual holistic consultation online and set up an appointment via: